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Купить книгу Genealogy Online For Dummies, автора
Genealogy Online For Dummies
Research your family history using the latest online tools and apps Genealogy Online For Dummies, 7th Edition is the perfect book to help you conduct genealogical research. Updated to cover the latest online tools, this new edition shows you how to leverage social networks and the rapidly increasing number of mobile apps to locate family members and trace their histories. You?ll discover how to start your investigation, develop a research plan of action, identify sites and resources that will be of the most use to you, get information from government records, preserve electronic materials, and share your findings with the rest of the family. Shows you how to conduct research into family history using the latest online tools, mobile apps, and other resources Explains how to use online and offline research techniques and tools for genealogical research, find and share information with other genealogists, and create your own site to showcase your family tree, digital images, and compiled genealogies Includes access to free versions of RootsMagic Essentials and Legacy Family Tree Standard Edition as well as information on free websites for storing your genealogical information Covers DNA research and testing, new geocoding applications, U.S. Census information available online, international records, public access catalogs, and more Genealogy Online For Dummies, 7th Edition helps you follow the clues to uncover your family?s legacy ? the fun and easy way.
Купить книгу American Sign Language For Dummies, автора
American Sign Language For Dummies
Grasp the rich culture and language of the Deaf community To see people use American Sign Language (ASL) to share ideas is remarkable and fascinating to watch. Now, you have a chance to enter the wonderful world of sign language. American Sign Language For Dummies offers you an easy-to-access introduction so you can get your hands wet with ASL, whether you're new to the language or looking for a great refresher. Used predominantly in the United States, ASL provides the Deaf community with the ability to acquire and develop language and communication skills by utilizing facial expressions and body movements to convey and process linguistic information. With American Sign Language For Dummies, the complex visual-spatial and linguistic principles that form the basis for ASL are broken down, making this a great resource for friends, colleagues, students, education personnel, and parents of Deaf children. Grasp the various ways ASL is communicated Get up to speed on the latest technological advancements assisting the Deaf Understand how cultural background and regionalism can affect communication Practice signing with videos online If you want to get acquainted with Deaf culture and understand what it's like to be part of a special community with a unique shared and celebrated history and language, American Sign Language For Dummies gets you up to speed on ASL fast.
Купить книгу The Bloomberg Way. A Guide for Journalists, автора John  Micklethwait
The Bloomberg Way. A Guide for Journalists
Learn best practices from the most trusted name in business and financial reporting The Bloomberg Way is the journalist's guide to covering business, finance and the economy, with authoritative guidance from the editor-in-chief and senior editors of Bloomberg. As the lines between objectivity and opinion become increasingly blurred, the new edition of the Bloomberg Way shows you how to be the first to publish print and multimedia content with accuracy and journalistic integrity. The authors walk through the best-practice reporting, writing and editing processes followed by this elite, global journalistic organization. You'll learn how to work effectively in a highly competitive real-time news environment where every second matters. The book offers expert tips for taking a story from pitch to publication, along with discussion of journalistic principles including fairness, transparency, sourcing, libel, privacy and ethics. The Bloomberg Way describes essential guidelines for producing content for print, broadcast and web audiences. Topics include interviewing techniques, clarity and precision in writing and editing, compelling headlines and leads, the marriage of words and data in stories, effective charts and graphs, how to appear on television, writing for the web, and more. Each topic is accompanied by how-to examples and showcases useful functions from the Bloomberg Terminal. The Bloomberg Way also shows you how to collaborate with colleagues across platforms to report and present stories about: The stock, bond, commodity and currency markets. Companies, including earnings, mergers, debt, product strategy and managementms changes. Economies and their intersection with government and politics. The Bloomberg Way is the definitive book for any journalist or media specialist who needs to know how one of the world's leading news organizations covers news about business, finance and the economy.
Купить книгу Robert's Rules For Dummies, автора
Robert's Rules For Dummies
Your no-nonsense guide to making sense of Robert's Rules The classic Robert's Rules of Order has a proven track record of helping membership groups apply codes of conduct to serve as a parliamentary authority within a given assembly. Unfortunately, when read on its own, it can prove to be unclear and hard to follow for many organizations—and that's where this friendly guide comes in. This new edition of Robert's Rules For Dummies demystifies the often-confusing rules of parliamentary procedure in clear, simple language and shows you how to apply them within your organization in a practical and effective way. From procedures for proper nominations to handling elections and ballots, from conducting meetings online to voting by mail and email—and everything in between—this hands-on, plain-English guide makes it easier to apply the information in the most recent version of the rules handbook so you and your organization can start benefiting from it today. Contains updated content that conforms to changes in business meetings, including special rules for making group decisions in both real-time and non-real-time environments Covers new timesaving tips to make meetings more efficient in a world where everyone is pressed for time Provides sample agendas, minutes, scripts, and more Includes interactive online material for readers on the go If you want to keep meetings organized, efficient, and on track, Robert's Rules For Dummies has you covered.
Купить книгу Digital Disciplines. Attaining Market Leadership via the Cloud, Big Data, Social, Mobile, and the Internet of Things, автора Fred  Wiersema
Digital Disciplines. Attaining Market Leadership via the Cloud, Big Data, Social, Mobile, and the Internet of Things
Leverage digital technologies to achieve competitive advantage through market-leading processes, products and services, customer relationships, and innovation How does Information Technology enable competitive advantage? Digital Disciplines details four strategies that exploit today's digital technologies to create unparalleled customer value. Using non-technical language, this book describes the blueprints that any company, large or small, can use to gain or retain market leadership, based on insights derived from examining modern digital giants such as Amazon, Netflix, and Uber, established firms such as Burberry, GE, Nike, and Procter & Gamble, and lesser-known innovators such as Alvio, Fruition Sciences, Opower, and Quirky. Companies can develop a competitive edge through four digital disciplines—information excellence, solution leadership, collective intimacy, and accelerated innovation—that exploit cloud computing, big data and analytics, mobile and wireline networks, social media, and the Internet of Things. These four disciplines extend and update the value disciplines of operational excellence, product leadership, and customer intimacy originally defined by Michael Treacy and Fred Wiersema in their bestselling business classic The Discipline of Market Leaders. Operational excellence must now be complemented by information excellence—leveraging automation, information, analytics, and sophisticated algorithms to make processes faster, better, and more cost-effective, seamlessly fuse digital and physical worlds, and generate new revenue through techniques such as exhaust data monetization Product leadership must be extended to solution leadership—smart digital products and services ranging from wind turbines and wearables to connected healthcare, linked to each other, cloud services, social networks, and partner ecosystems, focused on customer outcomes and creating experiences and transformations Customer intimacy is evolving to collective intimacy—as face-to-face relationships not only go online, but are collectively analyzed to provide individually targeted recommendations and personalized services ranging from books and movies to patient-specific therapies Traditional innovation is no longer enough—accelerated innovation goes beyond open innovation to exploit crowdsourcing, idea markets, innovation networks, challenges, and contest economics to dramatically improve processes, products, and relationships This book provides a strategy framework, empirical data, case studies, deep insights, and pragmatic steps for any enterprise to follow and attain market leadership in today's digital era. It addresses improved execution through techniques such as gamification, and pitfalls to beware, including cybersecurity, privacy, and unintended consequences. Digital Disciplines can be exploited by existing firms or start-ups to disrupt established ways of doing business through innovative, digitally enabled value propositions to win in competitive mar
Купить книгу Creating Strategic Value through Financial Technology, автора
Creating Strategic Value through Financial Technology
Lessons in innovation from key FinTech trends and successes Creating Strategic Value through Financial Technology explores the growing Financial Technology (FinTech) industry to provide insight on how traditional financial institutions and FinTech companies can boost innovation and enhance valuation in a complex regulatory environment. In plumbing the depth and breadth of several niches within in the FinTech sector, author Jay Wilson uncovers key themes that have contributed to the industry's success; in this book, he maps them together to provide useful guideposts for investors, entrepreneurs, and traditional institutions looking to facilitate growth as technology and financial services collide. With an expert's perspective on FinTech history and outlook, certain trends and examples of value-enhancing strategies stand out. FinTech niches covered include: payments, crowdfunding, alternative/marketplace lending, the blockchain, and technology solutions in the context of banking, insurance, and investment companies. There is no denying the growing importance of technology in the financial services industry, and the FinTech sector offers valuable solutions for a diverse array of financial services providers and their customers. This book guides you through several niches of the FinTech sector, and highlights the most important takeaways from recent endeavors. Navigate the financial technology sector Enhance customer and product offerings Improve efficiency and cost structure Enhance profitability and company valuation from the intersection of technology and finance Innovation and customer preference is a key driver of FinTech's growth. Customers are demanding better value and convenience, and the organizations that provide it are reaping the rewards of growth. As financial regulations grow more and more complex, and customers are presented with more and more options, it is becoming imperative for traditional institutions to modernize processes and carve out a place in the future of financial services. Creating Strategic Value through Financial Technology provides a handbook for navigating that space, with practical guidance on how FinTech companies and traditional financial institutions can enhance profitability and valuation from the trends.
Купить книгу Гигиена умственного труда, автора Алексея Мичмана
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Гигиена умственного труда
Вряд ли найдется в нашей стране семья, в которой не было бы учащихся. Многие совмещают занятия с работой на производстве или в учреждении и жалуются подчас на переутомление, говорят, что не успевают выполнять учебные задания, мало спят, недостаточно отдыхают. Трудно, конечно, совмещать работу и учебу, но нередко все это усугубляется неумением распределить свое время, незнанием основ гигиены, правил организации умственного труда.
Купить книгу Как избавиться от муравьев в доме?, автора Ярославы Лим
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Как избавиться от муравьев в доме?
Если вы не хотите нанести существенный вред своему драгоценному здоровью, то необходимо своевременно избавиться от нежелательных насекомых. При строительных работах муравьи также способны нанести вред материалам – фундаменту и прочной древесине. Также они весьма часто заползают в розетки и домашние выключатели, в связи с чем и происходит частое короткое замыкание. Сейчас мы подробно разберемся, как самостоятельно вывести нежелательных муравьев из загородного или Вашего частного дома.
Купить книгу Беременность и правильное питание: как составить меню, автора Алексея Мичмана
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Беременность и правильное питание: как составить меню
Именно правильное здоровое питание способствует благополучному протеканию беременности, рождению крепкого и здорового ребенка.От того, что будет кушать женщина, зависит хватит ли ребенку строительного материала, не попадут ли через организм матери к нему вредные вещества, которые могут вызвать печальные последствия.
Купить книгу Памятка по уходу за кожей, автора Алисы Каримовой
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Памятка по уходу за кожей
Кожа является главным защитником нашего организма от окружающей среды. Жара, морозы, ветер, инфекции и все тому подобное встречает она на своем пути, пока трудится без выходных во благо нас.Соответственно кожный покров требует должного ухода за собой. Предлагаю ознакомиться с тем, как ухаживать за своей кожей и сберечь её.
Купить книгу Как справиться с токсикозом: 9 ценных советов от врачей, автора Алисы Каримовой
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Как справиться с токсикозом: 9 ценных советов от врачей
Беременность – прекрасное время в жизни женщины, но зачастую она сопровождается совсем не радующими симптомами: например таким, как токсикоз. Врачи сообщают, что около 70% женщин на ранних сроках беременности страдают от тошноты.Как же справиться с токсикозом и его неприятными проявлениями? Предлагаем вам изучить эти девять советов врачей и помнить, что в большинстве случаев токсикоз благополучно проходит к четырнадцатой неделе беременности.
Купить книгу Как правильно сделать погреб, автора Алексея Бурого
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Как правильно сделать погреб
Погреб, как правило, используется для постоянного хранения хозяйственных продуктов. Если его вырыть под хозпостройками или садовым домиком, он займет немного места на дачном участке и будет достаточно удобен в эксплуатации. Хотелось бы подробнее рассмотреть, какие виды хранилищ бывают и как сделать погреб своими руками.